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FDM has been updated to build 731

Dear all! FDM has been updated to build 731.
Here is a full list of changes since build 718:

BUILD 731: [-] Sometimes crashed when downloading from Internet Explorer.

BUILD 730: [-] Downloads from Internet Explorer did not work sometimes.

BUILD 729: [-] Bug sometimes occurred when importing downloads.

BUILD 728: [+] ’Set default download folder’ button.
[*] Interface improvement for results window in ‘Create batch download’ dialog.

BUILD 727: [-] Groups were not imported from versions earlier than 2.3.

BUILD 726: [*] Interface improvement for FDM data folder settings window.

BUILD 724: [*] Improved start time for large downloads.
[-] Interface bug fix for BitTorrent downloads.

BUILD 723: [*] Improved ‘launch’ and ‘open folder’ commands for BitTorrent downloads.
[-] Crashed when downloading from BitTorrent with large comment fields.
[-] Bug after setting by default the folder without backslash at the end.

BUILD 721: [-] Sometimes 100% CPU load when downloading via BitTorrent.
[-] Sometimes crashed when checking if the download is malicious.
[-] Sometimes downloads may not start automatically if there were some finished BitTorrent downloads at the top of the list.

FDM has been updated to build 713

FDM has been updated to build 713.

What’s new:

[*] Significant download speed improvement for BitTorrent
[-] Sometimes FDM could make network problems while downloading via BitTorrent
[-] Sometimes FDM could freeze with 100% CPU usage while downloading via BitTorrent
[-] Sometimes name of file was not detected correctly (HTTP)
[-] Bug when server returned incorrect response with resume data
[-] Sometimes sort of downloads list did not work
[-] ‘Out of memory’ error at the start of dial connection schedule.
[-] Zip preview did not work
[-] ‘Unknown error’ message when query size of files was >2GB.
[-] Sometimes FDM crashed when downloading files >2GB.