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New FDM 3.9.7 Released

Dear FDM Users!

Recently, a new Firefox version has been released, and by popular demand, we have updated FDM 3. The compatibility issues have been resolved, and at the moment, FDM 3 supports the latest Firefox version.

At the same time, we recommend FDM 5 for Windows and Mac. Experience a modern design and myriads of useful features.

Feel free to upgrade and enjoy flawless downloads.

Download FDM 3

Download FDM 5 Windows 32-bit
Download FDM 5 for Windows 64-bit
Download FDM 5 for Mac OS X

What’s new:
– Firefox 51+ support
– General bug fixes

34 thoughts on “New FDM 3.9.7 Released”

Guys, the feature to download a list of URLs from a text file is desperately needed and has been needed for some time. Ideally, there would be a text box inside FDM where we could just paste all the links and FDM would detect the different ones and give the option to save everything into one folder.

I’m on FDM 5 on macOS, so if this feature used to be supported in v.3 but was taken out, that still doesn’t help us.

Please please please!

Hello Jessica,

There is an option Paste URLs from clipboard. This is how it works: you should copy your links to the clipboard and then choose the option. You will see the dialog window for a batch download with your links. Duplicates will be automatically removed.

Oh wow, that’s awesome! Thank you so much! The other thing which I think is badly needed is a more granular control for traffic limits. I’m on quite a slow connection, so there is a massive difference between setting 128/256/512. I’d love to see the ability to input a value, rather than choosing from a list of options.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you all for the great job that you all do. I am new to the use of this program, but I like it so far.
Please oh please can you make the software Opera integratable?
That would be uber fantastic 😉

Thanks again

It’s the best in open-source and second best overall. Just one thing I felt that made me sad – it does not support Opera on its own. I think Opera is the best browser out there, less popular but way more functional. User interface is spot on and Opera turbo works very well. And it offers VPN. It could be way more functional if FDM supports it. For FDM to work I installed Mozilla and Chrome – they are way heavier, they look modern, but not the best when I use them. So please support Opera.

Hello furqan,

Please specify the following information:
1.OS version, FDM full version number, browser name and version.
2. FDM window screenshot (error log).
3. File URL which gives the error.

This update is very, very welcome! Thank you! I’ve been using FDM for years now, and I love it. I haven’t switched to version 5 on my PC because I feel it hasn’t caught up to version 3 in terms of features and controls (and translations: Brazilian Portuguese, my native language, is still missing), not to mention the huge difference in the installer file size. I use v5 on my Mac mini and I can see it’s getting better, but I’ll stick to v3 on the PC for now. Keep up the good.

Hi, is there an option to download with user and password from sites? Like the version 3 used to do.

First thanx, but I have two problems with FDM 5:
1. I can not import incomplete download file FDM to FDM;
2. If remote server changes the address of link download and changes address in FDM, FDM starts to download from the first one. Sometimes download eror answers server instead of the file.

Hello benyamin,

1. Unfortunately, there is no way ti import incomplete downloads in FDM 5.1.
2. It looks like this particular server does not support resuming downloads. Please send us the link.
3. Please specify the errors that occur and send the links here (in the comment) or to http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/support.htm

Hi! As much as I would like to use the newly improved FDM, I’m stuck with the old v3.9.4 which has the option to change URL of the file you’re downloading by right-clicking the file that stopped, then click “Download Properties” then under “General” tab, a modifiable “URL” field shows the file’s direct link which I can update anytime then resume download. I do this bec I have slow internet & there are websites that changes their file’s URL link after a few hours. So if the URL of a huge file you’re downloading 4-5hrs ago will change, & your file unexpectedly gets interrupted at 98%, you can’t resume with the new FDM bec the website changes the URL of the file even though you’re downloading the same file from them. This is where prev FDM comes in handy for us users before with slow connection. This wasn’t an issue with the old version of FDM but ever since the new FDM came, few of us with my friends were forced to change or stopped bec it doesn’t support updating URL anymore. I believe “benyamin” is facing the same problem as I am base on his comment. I hope I explained myself in details & clearly. I really hope you’ll consider this in future updates. Thanks!

Hello Shin,

Please update to FDM 5.1 (Check for Updates) to enable the ‘Change URL’ option. You can find it in the context menu when the download starts.

Hi, can version 5.x be installed while version 3.x is installed?

I tried version 5.x a while ago and my download speeds were very erratic, as if the download speeds were bouncing off my top speed. I have found 3.x flawless, but I have recently started using Edge for battery reasons. I don’t really want to mess with my current setup. Thanks.

You should absolutely add a small float window (icon size) to track the downloads progress, the speed, the % and to open and close the program easily. And you should absolutely add the function at the right click to capture and download all the links on the page in one click, and maybe also be able to filter and choose the files by type, images, video, audio, exe, etc.

I cannot get the site explorer view to snatch all zip / rar / MP3 file downloads with a few clicks, or browse and download selecting all linked HTML book pages incl. pics (even the animated GIF images), external links, internal links, etc. available in earlier view of site explorer. It was handy to me… It should be for power users or we have to downgrade.

HI. It is very good download manager but suffering a little problem.
If FDM starts when there is not internet connection for example DSL modem is off it show an error ” remote host name not found” even if internet connection come back it keeping showing the error and you must right click on each download and choose change url to resume download and it is very annoying when you have a lot of download links. is there any solution for it?

Sorry admin, but as of November 6, 2020, the version we get for downloading is NOT 3.9.7, but 5.1.38 that’s compatible with Mac OS X 10.11 an higher. Where can we get version 3.9.7?

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